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John Tyler

Sessions Served: 1778 - 1786

Member image
  • Birth Date: February 28, 1747 Birth Place:James City County, Virginia
  • Death Date: January 6, 1813
  • Gender: Male Race: Caucasian, English
  • Spouse: Mary Armistead
  • Children: 8 children including
    John Tyler, Jr. (1791 - 1856) 10th President of the United States
  • Religion:
  • Education:
  • Military Service:
  • Occupation/Profession:
  • Bio: Born in James City County, Va., February 28, 1747, Died at "Greenway”, Charles City County, Va., January 6, 1813. Buried at “Greenway”, Charles City County, Va. John Tyler, Sr. of Charles City County was the son of John and Anne (Contesse, daughter of Dr. Louis Contesse) Tyler. He was the father of John Tyler, Jr., Governor of Virginia and President of the United States. He was judge of the Court of Admiralty of Virginia, 1776, 1786-88; member of the House of Delegates, 1778-86; Council of State, 1780; Constitutional Convention of 1788; Judge of General Court of Virginia, 1788-1808; Governor of Virginia, 1808-11; and judge of the United States District Court for Virginia, 1811-13. He married, in 1776, Mary Marot Armistead, only child of Robert Booth and Anne (Shields) Armistead of King's Creek, York County.

    While he was Speaker of the House, the Clerk was JOHN JAMES BECKLEY.
  • Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: 15th Governor of Virginia (December 1, 1808 - January 15, 1811)
    Speaker of the House of Delegates - Dec. 1, 1781 - Jan. 5, 1782 , May 1782 - December 28, 1782, May 5, 1783 - December 22, 1783, May 3, 1784 - January 7, 1785
    United States District Court Judge (1811 - 1813)
    Virginia Constitutional Convention (1788)
District Number
1778 Charles City Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
1779 Charles City Courts of Justice
Privileges & Elections
Propositions and Grievances
1780-1781 Charles City Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
1781-1782 Charles City Speaker of the House Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
1782 Charles City Speaker of the House
1783 Charles City Speaker of the House
1784-1785 Charles City Speaker of the House
1785-1786 Charles City Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Propositions and Greivances

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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